3 Mistakes That Could Sink Your At-Home Screen Printing Business

Starting your own at-home screen printing business sounds like a fun endeavor, but there are some pitfalls that could hurt your business. Fortunately, many mistakes that newbies to screen printing make are avoidable with attention to detail and research. To help get you started on the right path with your business, here are a few screen printing mistakes to watch out for.  Failing to Do Your Research Screen printing seems simple enough, but it is far more complex than you might realize. [Read More]

Two Suggestions For Direct Mailing Success

When you're looking over your overall marketing strategy, you may be curious about methods that you haven't yet tried. If you've been focusing on internet marketing or event marketing, you may have overlooked direct mail campaigns. You may wonder if those can still be effective in the digital age, but the truth is that direct marketing can still attract a large number of customers if you observe the suggestions below. [Read More]

2 Tips For Successful At-Home Photo Printing

With only 190 one-hour photo shops open in the entire United States, more and more people are turning to home photo printing. Unfortunately, if you are like most people, you might notice that those pictures spooled from your home computer are a far cry from the professionally adjusted and produced photos you used to be able to print at your local grocery store. However, you might be able to boost your chances of home printing success by following these two tips: [Read More]

6 Ways To Make Your Next Brochure More Eco-Friendly

You can text and email to reach existing customers, but nothing beats a printed brochure for introducing strangers to your brand. Before ordering the first brochure package you find from a printing company, take the time to consider how your marketing materials can go green. Try these six eco-friendly printing tips to get more attention for your company just by appealing to consumers concerned about the environment. Considerate Design Take a look at your brochure artwork and text first. [Read More]